Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hitting the weights

After touching it for the first time on thursday, I touched it again on sunday, and then five times on monday.

So today I was obviously very keen for a leg workout to get even higher.

6 sets of squats (8 reps) superset with jumping (straight knee's) onto a 20inch bench until fail
4 sets of leg curl (including a new pb with weight)
4 sets of leg extension (10reps)
4 sets of calf raises (15-30 reps)
I also did 8 sets for shoulders and neck

I went home and had some creatine monohydrate and as solid 550g ( 1.25 lb) steak and some vegetables. Im at a very motivated stage at the moment, one thing I've learnt from past goal setting exercises is that I go too hard and burn myself out. Its great at first when your having all these amazing gains but that success leads to eventual failure, atleast in my case because as soon as the gains stop my motivation plummets.

Tomorrow I'm giving my legs a break, and then on thursday I'll do some light plyometrics ( in terms of contacts) and then on friday do some more leg weights. Currently I weigh 72-73kgs (160lbs) with about 8% body fat. Although its alot of work for my legs I am going to try and do 2 weight sessions and 2 plyometric sessions per week. The plyo's are far less intense then my weight sessions so I feel that the 4 sessions will add up to 3 reasonably hard sessions a week and I'm giving my legs atleast a day rest. Another benefit to doing 4 leg work outs a week is that its halving my upper body workouts. Although 160lbs doesn't sound like much I look like weigh alot more, so any excess meat I lose off the top meats less weight I have to hurtle into the atmosphere.

It will be an interesting few weeks

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A day that will live in infamy

17th February 2009.

10 FT BABY!!!!!!

It happened 4 days ago and I still cant stop thinking about. I only did it once, but now I know I can get there, it will be happening ALOT more often. I remember the moment exactly. The metal rim springing to life with vibration as my hand went higher than it ever went before. The twang induced by the sheer power of my slap and my legs catapulted me into the sky.

Melodramatic I know but after wanting something so bad for so long I think I am allowed to over-indulge alittle. For 3 years (20 technically) I wasn't good enough, always falling ever so short. I've learnt through schooling the difference in effectiveness between positive and negative motivation and reinforcement. My current motivation???? The only thing needing reinforcing is the rim when im tearing it down in the calendar year. With each recollection of the moment I am possessed by a ferverous urge to start jumping. This is christmas. I haven't been so excited about something so simple in a long time.

My friend who is a little taller than me touched the rim about 2years ago for the first time and all of a sudden he had all of his fingers above the rim.

Im giving my self 8 weeks to get there.